Turtle Ecology
My lab has been fortunate to work with herpatologists and physiologists who study turtles. We have primarily assisted with statistical model design and data analysis for questions that range effects of temperture and salinity on turtles to mercury and blood sampling.
Primary Collaborators
Associated Publications
- A.S. Williard, L.A. Harden, T.T. Jones, S.R. Midway (2019). Effects of temperature and salinity on body fluid dynamics and metabolism in the estuarine diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). Journal of Experimental Biology 222:jeb202390.
- T. Benjamin, R. Brasso, S.R. Midway, D. Thompson, L.A. Harden (2018). Using Non-destructive Techniques to Measure Mercury (Hg) Concentrations in Gravid Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in Northeastern Illinois. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 101(3):295–299.
- L.A. Harden, J. Fernandez, J.R. Milanovich, B.P. Struecker, S.R. Midway (2018). Blood Biochemical Reference Intervals for Wild Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata) during the Active Season. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54(3):587–591.
- L.A. Harden, S.R. Midway, A. Southwood Williard (2015). The blood biochemistry of overwintering diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 466:34–-41.